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GNG Pink Nunchuk Remote Controller Attachment Compatible With Nintendo Wii  / Wii U

GNG Pink Nunchuk Remote Controller Attachment Compatible With Nintendo Wii / Wii U


Nunchuk brought to you by giZmoZ n gadgetZ Compatible with Nintendo Wii

The Nunchuk is a Wii Remote accessory that gives you an additional means of control in Nunchuk-compatible games. By connecting the Nunchuk to the Wii Remote via a short cable you can benefit from its extra buttons, analogue joystick and additional motion-sensing controls..
The Wii Nunchuck controller is a secondary controller that adds even more innovation to the next generation of gaming, and does it all with less physical movement. Contoured perfectly to fit a player's hand, the Nunchuck controller builds on the simplicity of the Wii Remote controller.
Also, the Nunchuck controller doesn't need its own power--it plugs into the Wii Remote controller when it's in use. So there's no need to worry about charging or replacing expensive batteries

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